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Research & Reports Article

Feedback on the Canada Disability Benefit Regulations


Community Food Centres Canada and our 400+ partner community food organizations are deeply concerned about the nationwide crisis of food insecurity among people with disabilities. Compared to people with no disabilities, people with disabilities experience twice as high rates of household food insecurity in Canada1.

We stand in solidarity with Disability Without Poverty, and the thousands of people with disabilities they have consulted, in calling for regulations that will create a fair and equitable Canada Disability Benefit (CDB).

With better regulations, the CDB can significantly reduce food insecurity and poverty and improve financial security among people with disabilities in Canada. Yet, in the regulations, as they are currently drafted, only 4% of people expected to receive the CDB would be lifted out of poverty by 2035.

We are calling on the federal government to revise the CDB regulations according to the seven principles advanced by Disability Without Poverty2

Download our response to the federal government to read about the seven principles and five overarching changes we recommend.

1. Uppal, S. (2023, November 14). Food insecurity among Canadian families. Statistics Canada.
2. Disability Without Poverty. (2024). CDB and Regulations. Disability Without Poverty.

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